Locating George Bechtel's Original Plantation
The following is the text from the 1782 deed which included the map above:
This draught of a tract of land, ituate in Hereford Township in the County of
Berks; formerly Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania. Being part of a tract of
150 acres and the allowance that formerly belonged to Georg Stouffer, who by his death
Anno 1734 sold and conveyed the above part thereof unto Peter Moll and the other part
unto George Bechtel who jointly together have gone out and obtained a new patent of
confirmation dated the 24th day of March Anno. 1750 from the honorable Provincial
of the Province for the same. Then he the said Peter Moll died in anno. 1759 having
by will ordered the premises to be sold and thereby impo??? Casper Boorman to sign
and execute a deed for the same. Whereupon the same was sold and conveyed unto
George Beyer. Said by the deed to contain sixty acres and three quarters of an acre
and seven perks of land. But by a new calculation appears to contain sixty two acres.
1840 Land Map
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